Learn to be the skipper your crew deserve
Whilst RYA qualifications and practical experience equip you to sail your boat, they teach you little about how to transform your crew into a high performing team and even less about how to be the kind of skipper that people want to sail with.
- Get stressed because people don’t do what you ask
- Have to resort to shouting sometimes
- Feel competitive and then frustrated that your team under performed
- Worry that your crew might not have enjoyed sailing with you
- Wish that everyone you sail with felt as passionate as you do
- Struggle to get crew
A proven approach
On a Skipper’s Voyage you will learn the TRIBE team performance system, developed at the Centre for Team Excellence and used in more than 40 organisations around the world including the Royal Navy, Army & RAF. If you race, cruise or just enjoy having fun sailing, this is a ‘must have” course.
Working with our partners at the Centre for Team Excellence, we have helped hundreds of leaders to lead teams to better performance.